You pathetic cock-nuckles have 6 days until your utter defeat. Can your egos handle it? I rather doubt it.
Are you newfags happy? You're "I'm helping" Gateway Pundit copypasta bored 80% of the true autists so badly that they merely lurk now, at best. Night shift would be unrecognizable if not for the planefag's dedication to their duties. Digits go un-chek't because most of you fuckers don't even understand their significance. Meanwhile you worship at the feat of stolen-valor "oldfags" who never set foot in the chans before the Great Reddit Purge. This place is filled with the stench of normies who jumped on the train like a bunch of hobos bound for San Diego in the winter time. You deserve to those shriveled soy balls of yours tied to the bumper hitch of septic truck with fishing line and ripped off in front of your families. I hope you die screaming as you're beaten to death with a bag full of hammers by your girlfreind's nigger side-piece.
But other than that I'm fuckin' comfy.