What was MOAB again?
Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB) ? MLM reated?
We need to know what types of MOAB incoming so we know which memes to get ready? Video? Arrests? OBAMA pic?
I love that.
Nice job!
He knows.
easy for you to say. Lets pray we get some real beef next week.
So get ready for HRC Haiti memes.
http:// www.wnd.com/2016/08/hillary-helped-crook-get-10-million-for-haiti-scam/
or this??
http:// truthfeed.com/breaking-clinton-foundation-tied-to-convicted-child-trafficker-laura-silsby-media-silent/34146/
He/She is talking about public arrests of Hillary, Obama, Comey, and so on, I am pretty sure.