Baker is our enemy
Split the bread
Baker is our enemy
Split the bread
Split the bread. Anons will follow
Baker is comped. Split the bread
Baker is CIA
Split the bread
Split the bread. Anons will follow.
CIA baker refuses to give up the kitchen
Leave baker
Ive got all night.
Split the bread. Baker refuses to give up the kitchen
We need a new baker
Anons fight
Baker is the enemy
We need a new baker
New baker needed
We need a new baker
New baker step up
Now good bread
Are we finally good? Is this mold and @jack free bread?
If so,
Baker will leave them. Next bread won't have the muhjooshill BS.
We are in the mold free bread. We comfy
when posts get old, they go green. It's always been like that
Yes they are!
So far, so good. I'm sticking with this baker and this bread
Now that we have a Patriot in the kitchen, all is well and I'll behave.
Let's dig, meme, and pray.
Kek is happy
Stick with this one.
Stay here. Notables for this bread are looking normal and muhjooshills are crying. Good sign
We got a muhjooshill crying. We are in the correct bread
Fuck off. This is the real bread. Yummy mold free bred.
BAKER is golden. Thank you baker o7
Best bread ever!
You're a shill. Fuck off
Fuck off
Anons won. We fought the @jack baker and we won. I'm proud of us. WWG1WGA
Let's dig
Carry on you magnificent PATRIOTS!
Cry harder
That was the @jack baker. You can go suck a goat dick