BPD = borderline personality disorder?
What's DID? drug-induced depression?
Just wild guessing
BPD = borderline personality disorder?
What's DID? drug-induced depression?
Just wild guessing
You're both wrong. Put in my full bun of SIX notes on the Tony Bobulinski interview, not just 1 or 2 posts. OK?
I've offered this correction in FOUR BREADS in a ROW now!
Anon's notes on Tony Bobulinski interview bun
>>11333887 pb
>>11334016 pb
Thx anon
You said.
Mind defining what you mean by Malarkey Factory? Unironically, I don't know what you are referring to.
i'm not sure. Became an excellent educational vehicle for learning the ins and outs of baking. And coordinating to make sure we had coverage of quality bakers i think.
Someone asked the bakers in comms why they bake. They bake because they are patriots was the bottom line IIRC.