not y'all again?
Clowns go away
show tits ro dicks
we don't like famefags
have no idea why you've stayed so long
what's the little girly in your logo for?
fuck off
not y'all again?
Clowns go away
show tits ro dicks
we don't like famefags
have no idea why you've stayed so long
what's the little girly in your logo for?
fuck off
as if I don't know that
jew haters are so know-it-all arrogant
theu remind me of flat earthers
All their very real proof don't add up to their stupid bigoted and narrow minded conclusion.
Yet we're the hillbillies.
try harder
oh good
take your team and go back to your shithole or wherever you are from?
no offense to shit holes
yes, and you deserve it
you're not proved by the shilling
since your are the astroturf LARP
were n't you asked to leave by a BV
Why won't you leave?
Not time to clock out yet?
Need your pay?
just get the fuk out
we did fine without your team
tell your boss you guys cover was blown