Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.11336883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6900 >>7070 >>7259 >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

Ron Johnson: ‘Not a Big Fan’ of Special Counsels, But ‘Don’t See How You Avoid One’ if Biden Wins


Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Wednesday said if 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins next week’s election, there might need to be a special counsel to investigate. GOP lawmakers have been urging Attorney General William Barr to appoint a special counsel to investigate before Election Day.


In an appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Johnson admitted he is “not a big fan” of special counsels, but argued one is necessary to get to the bottom of Hunter Biden’s business dealings overseas.


“Do you want to see a special counsel?” host Maria Bartiromo asked.


“You know, I am not a big fan of special counsels, but if Joe Biden wins the presidency, I don’t see how you avoid one,” Johnson replied. “Otherwise, this is going to be, you know, tucked away, and we will never know what happened. All this evidence is going to be buried, so I think we have to have a special election if Joe Biden wins.”

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.11336918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7205 >>7259 >>7481 >>7766 >>7779 >>7905

Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers


President Donald Trump’s deputies have launched a fundamental reform of the H-1B visa system to protect American graduates from outsourcing — despite furious opposition from donors and leaders from Silicon Valley, Fortune 500 companies, and coastal investors.


The reform will end the annual award of 85,000 H-1B visas by lottery, which has been gamed by companies to import foreign workers at wages far below the salaries needed by American professionals. Instead, the visas will be offered to the companies that compete to offer the highest salaries, preventing employers from undercutting American graduates.


“The Trump administration is continuing to deliver on its promise to protect the American worker while strengthening the economy,” said Acting DHS Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. “The current use of random selection to allocate H-1B visas … hurts American workers by bringing in relatively lower-paid foreign labor at the expense of the American workforce.”


“We have seen more progress in the last few weeks than we’ve seen in the last 30 years,” said Kevin Lynn, founder of U.S. Tech Workers, which opposes the H-1B and other visa worker programs. He continued:


If you look at it on the whole, Trump is side with working Americans. Look at the beginning of his administration when he canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All the elites wanted that — he said no. He allowed labor into [negotiations about] NAFTA II — the USMCA — and they made a better deal for working man and women. On August 3, for the Tennessee Valley Authority, he used the authority he had to protect those white-collar jobs [from H-1B outsourcing]. So he’s clearly made a choice between the elites and working men and women.


Trump has pushed forward with popular and dramatic reforms of the visa worker programs since June, with additional actions taken in August and early October.


The actions may be helping his poll ratings among vital white-collar graduates in two critical states: North Carolina and Pennsylvania.


For example, Monmouth University’s early October poll showed Trump getting 38 percent among white college graduates, while Biden had 57 percent. That is down slightly from a September 2 poll that showed Trump was getting 40 percent but is above Monmouth’s July poll that showed Trump getting only 34 percent of white college voters.


On October 13, Monmouth showed Trump was getting 48 percent of white college graduates in North Carolina, up from 42 percent on September 3.


Both states have been hit hard by H-1B outsourcing, giving Trump a chance to champion the very popular economic self-interest of college graduates.


“There are many financial institutions in North Carolina that are abusing cheap labor and H-1Bs,” Jay Palmer, a civil rights activist who works with abused visa workers, told Breitbart News. He continued:


Charlotte, N.C., is the hotbed of visa fraud. They’re laying off American workers left and right because there is so much cheap [foreign] labor in North Carolina … They’re hiring anybody through third-party consulting companies, and they are paying them on 1099s [as gig workers] to work at the financial institutions. They’re replacing American workers such as risk managers and actuaries — any jobs they can fill with cheap labor. It’s horrible. You don’t even know how bad it is.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.11336959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7070 >>7259 >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

U.S. Space Force’s No. 2 General Tests Positive For COVID-19


WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Space Force Gen. David D. Thompson, Vice Chief of Space Operations, tested positive Oct. 28 for COVID-19. He took the test today after learning that a close family member, with whom he had contact, tested positive for the virus.


In accordance with established COVID policies, Thompson is self-quarantining and working remotely from home.


The Department of the Air Force continues to follow established DoD and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention policies and guidelines for COVID. Measures include temperature testing, social distancing to the greatest extent possible, the wearing of masks when social distancing is not possible, and contact tracing and quarantining, if needed.


The U.S. Space Force remains operationally ready to answer the nation’s call.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.11336971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7070 >>7259 >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity Of Hunter's Laptop Became Immaterial



Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden was again insisting that the scandal involving Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation despite the direct refutation of that claim by the FBI.


No mainstream reporter bothered to ask the simple question of whether this was his son’s laptop and emails, including emails clearly engaging in an influence peddling scheme and referring to Joe Biden’s knowledge. Instead, media has maintained a consistent and narrow focus. Indeed, in her interview, Leslie Stahl immediately dismissed any “scandal” involving Hunter in an interview with the President on 60 Minutes. It was an open example of what I previously noted in a column: “After all, an allegation is a scandal only if it is damaging. No coverage, no damage, no scandal.”


In her interview with Joe Biden, CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell did not push Biden to simply confirm that the emails were fake or whether he did in fact meet with Hunter’s associates (despite his prior denials). Instead O’Donnell asked: “Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter’s computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?”


Biden responded with the same answer that has gone unchallenged dozens of times:


“From what I’ve read and know the intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden. And so when you put the combination of Russia, Giuliani– the president, together– it’s just what it is. It’s a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about. What is he running on? What is he running on?”


It did not matter that the answer omitted the key assertion that this was not Hunter’s laptop or emails or that he did not leave the computer with this store.


Recently, Washington Post columnist Thomas Rid wrote said the quiet part out loud by telling the media:


“We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.”


Let that sink in for a second. It does not matter if these are real emails and not Russian disinformation. They probably are real but should be treated as disinformation even though American intelligence has repeatedly rebutted that claim. It does not even matter that the computer has seized the computer as evidence in a criminal fraud investigation or that a Biden confidant is now giving his allegations to the FBI under threat of criminal charges if he lies to investigators.


It simply does not matter. It is disinformation because it is simply inconvenient to treat it as real information.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.11337064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7085 >>7205 >>7259 >>7481 >>7605 >>7766 >>7905

Biden Is Running a Protection Racket By Sidney Powell


Joe Biden's big pitch is his promise to restore calm. It's a con. It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up. He's trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues.


Biden talks of calm, but it is not Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda. Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the "Black Lives Matter" movement — which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners raise the black power fist. As one headline put it, "aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them…or else."


Biden speaks of tolerance, but it isn't MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute allegiance; it's Biden-supporting leftists. As President Trump warned in his Independence Day address at Mt. Rushmore, if you do not "perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished."


Biden professes not to treat the other party as the enemy, but he demonizes his opponents whenever he opens his mouth. Just this week, he called Trump-supporters "chumps." And his supporters call themselves "the resistance" — a term ordinarily used to describe armed insurgency against an occupying military power.


Biden speaks of mutual respect, but he demonstrates contempt, animosity, and rage at Trump-supporters. Let's face it: no one in America is afraid of going out in public while wearing a Biden hat.


Biden accuses the president of sowing chaos, but small businesses across the country haven't boarded up their windows in advance of MAGA rallies.


Biden decries deepening divisions but defends government-wide indoctrination sessions that preach tribalism and racism rather than unity and colorblindness. In the first debate, with the assistance of moderator Chris Wallace, Biden dismissed the spread of "Critical Race Theory" as "racial sensitivity training."


Critical Race Theory is an explicitly Marxist academic concept that casts all white people as oppressors. It maintains that white Americans must stop valuing "white" things like "individualism" and "objectivity" and give up their "comfort," "relationships with some other white people," and even their "physical safety" to atone for their "complicity in the system of white supremacy."

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.11337141   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning


“There is no darkness but ignorance. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” William Shakespeare


I read The Fourth Turning in 2006, after seeing it described in John Mauldin and Doug Casey’s newsletters as an uncannily accurate assessment of American history based upon generational configurations which recur on eighty-year cycles, a long human life. Strauss and Howe wrote the book in 1997 and used their generational theory to predict the Crisis that would begin in the mid-2000’s and come to an indeterminate climax in the mid-2020’s.


As a student of history, the theory spoke to me. I have been writing articles since 2009, using the Fourth Turning as a guide to interpreting what has been happening and what might happen as this crisis period accelerates towards its violent culmination. The quotes above perfectly capture exactly what has happened since this crisis began in September 2008, with the Fed/Wall Street created financial collapse. The existing social order is disintegrating, but they are willing to destroy the country rather than relinquish their wealth, power and control.


Strauss & Howe identified the core elements of this Crisis as debt, civic decay, and global disorder. No one can argue the severe distress engulfing the nation and the world traces its origins to these core elements, with the catalyst for this Crisis being the 2008 central banker manufactured financial collapse. Nothing has been normal since 2008. And 2008’s epic implosion was driven by the disastrous financial, political and military decisions implemented by the puppets of the Deep State from 2000 onward, with the Federal Reserve obligingly creating bubble after bubble as the “solution” to the previous bubble.


And now we are here again, in the midst of the greatest bubble in the history of mankind. A bubble of willful ignorance. The obliviousness of most Americans to the danger awaiting them is akin to the day before Fort Sumpter was bombed, the day before Pearl Harbor was attacked, or the dinosaurs unaware of a giant meteor rushing towards the planet and about to transform their future in a challenging way.



Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.11337225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

V/Line CEO James Pinder sacked amid corruption allegations, Transclean contract terminated


The head of Victoria's regional train network has been sacked in the wake of his appearance before a corruption inquiry.

Key points:


V/Line also terminated its contract with cleaning company Transclean

The board said the alleged conduct of Mr Pinder and the cleaning company was not acceptable "under any circumstances"

An IBAC inquiry heard Mr Pinder and a Metro trains manager collected cash payments from Transclean


The V/Line board of directors terminated the employment of chief executive James Pinder, effective from today.


Mr Pinder has been suspended since August, when the Department of Transport became aware he was the subject of an Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) probe into serious misconduct claims in the state's public transport sector.


The inquiry this week heard Mr Pinder and Metro Trains fleet manager Peter Bollas collected multiple cash payments of up to $10,000 from the boss of Transclean.


Transclean was awarded the contract to clean Victoria's trams and trains, and Mr Bollas managed the cleaning contract at Metro Trains.


Mr Pinder has denied any wrongdoing, and claims the men were in a secret gambling syndicate.


However, Mr Bollas yesterday confessed to the inquiry he had taken up to $150,000 in corrupt cash payments from Transclean director George Haritos.


In a statement, V/Line chair Gabrielle Bell said the board had also terminated its contract with Transclean.


"All V/Line employees and contractors are expected to uphold the highest levels of integrity," Ms Bell said.


"The alleged conduct of both Mr Pinder and Transclean are not acceptable to V/Line under any circumstances."


She said V/Line would continue to cooperate with the IBAC investigation and would "work to support the front-line cleaning staff who may be affected by this decision".


Acting V/Line chief executive Gary Liddle will continue in the role until further notice.


In a secretly-recorded phone call played at an IBAC hearing today, Mr Bollas told Mr Haritos he would "cover up" for the cleaning company, after it emerged they failed to spray a Metro train at the start of Victoria's first wave of coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.11337354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go


The Drudge Report alternative Citizen Free Press, which has racked up 75 million page views in October so far, mysteriously disappeared from search results on Bing, Duck Duck Go, and Yahoo on Wednesday. Microsoft told PJ Media that it is working on a “fix” but the mysterious disappearance still raises serious questions.


Citizen Free Press raised the alarm on Twitter about an hour after the disappearance.


“Attention Bing: Citizen Free Press has completely disappeared from your search results in the past hour,” the secretive one-man operator who goes by “Kane” tweeted. “The link to our homepage suddenly is gone from your results 7 days before the election. CFP gets 15,000 visitors per day thru Bing.”


“For BING to suddenly remove Citizen Free Press from search results — 7 days before the election — certainly raises some questions. Let us hope this is just a technical snafu and not a permanent ban,” Kane told PJ Media. “CFP is not a bit player — with 75 million pageviews so far in October, it is one of the largest conservative news sites in existence.”


“For one of the 3 major search engines to mysteriously remove our link would be a gross violation of free speech, and an untenable act of censorship,” Kane added.


“Citizen Free Press gets approximately 15,000 unique visitors per day from Bing, and another 15,000 from Duck Duck Go, which has also removed the links, as they use Bing as their search engine base,” Kane explained. Citizen Free Press gets another 2,000 users from Yahoo.


PJ Media reached out to Microsoft and received a response from a staffer with WE Communications.


“Microsoft is aware of the content not showing up and actively working on a fix,” the spokeswoman said.


As of Wednesday evening, the link to Citizen Free Press ( still does not appear on the Bing search results.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.11337501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614

Sberbank CEO Gref certain the world will never get back to pre-covid life


The businessman believes that wearing medical masks will be obligatory from now on


MOSCOW, October 28. /TASS/. Sberbank CEO Herman Gref believes that the world will never get back to what he described as "pre-covid life" and that wearing medical masks will be obligatory from now on.

Read also

Sberbank CEO Gref may leave Yandex Board of Directors on October 29


"I don't think we will be able to get back completely to the pre-covid life," Gref said in an interview the round-the-clock TV news channel Rossiya-24 aired on Wednesday. "COVID-19 has forced all of us to take extra precautions. I am afraid, forever. Wearing masks will be a basic trait of our culture. Today, when I have a soar throat, I put on a mask, thus taking care not only of myself, but of all those around. I've never done that before. Of course, there's going to be a fundamental change of habits."

Read also

Sberbank may increase number of staff working from home, depending on situation — head


Gref believes that business models are undergoing considerable transformations, too. Everybody is encouraged to shift to distance work, to obtain an ever larger amount of services via the Internet and so on and so forth.


"The effects of the novel coronavirus are multifaceted and so deep, that I find it hard to think of a parallel in terms of such a large-scale impact on all customary features of our life," he said.


The Sberbank CEO is certain that even amid the growing infection rates the situation in the country's economy and in the health service will not worsen considerably.


"The way I see it, everything is far clearer today than before. I should say that our expectations are far more optimistic. Even though there are no effective medications or mass vaccination, nevertheless there is the invaluable experience," Gref said.

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.11337524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Phone Reveals Moldova-Russian Connections


Moldovan President Igor Dodon, who is seeking a second presidential term, is apparently relying on support from the Kremlin and Russian intelligence, according to OCCRP partner RISE Moldova.


In its latest investigative project #Kremlinovici Leaks, RISE reporters worked with the Russian Dossier Center to track communications between Dodon and Russian sources.


According to the team, Kremlinovici is the username Dodon employed to communicate with Moldovan politicians. RISE has previously reported extensively about the president’s alleged shady businesses.


In the investigative report released last week, the reporters noted, “The communication took place via an encrypted application that runs on a BlackBerry smartphone the Socialist party leader had used until mid-2017.”


RISE Moldova said that the smartphone was delivered to its reporters by an anonymous intermediary. “A note [attached] to the device recommended journalists to study the smartphone’s content [for] a few days and extract the information of interest. We later returned the device via the intermediary,” RISE said.


After extracting the contents, RISE also analyzed the data from the Chernov Archives, a “leak from the so-called Moldova affairs division in the administration of President Vladimir Putin,” obtained by Dossier Center.


The RISE journalists said the motives of those providing the phone were unclear, while noting that interesting data was discovered.


“In the process of documenting #Kremlinovici, we have learned that an office with Russian ‘consultants’ exists in the very heart of Chisinau [the Moldovan capital], in the neighborhood close to the Moldovan presidential administration,” RISE said.


The agency added that Moldova’s “Socialist Party lawmakers and a former aide to Prime Minister, Ion Chicu, are frequent visitors to that office.”


RISE added that, “We’ve also learned that some Moldovan politicians have been engaged in collaborative activities with the Kremlin’s consultants for years and that Igor Dodon even has Moscow review speeches he prepares for international events.”


The investigative reporters further learned that an office within the Russian presidential administration deals with Moldova’s affairs. According to the Dossier Center, the office is run by Igor Maslov, a colonel in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

Anonymous ID: 20657d Oct. 28, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.11337590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Australia's richest doubled their wealth in a pandemic One magnate was making $500m a week


Mining magnate Gina Rinehart is once again Australia's richest person, having increased her wealth two-fold in just 12 months.

Ms Rinehart topped the Australian Financial Review Rich List for 2020 with a personal wealth of $28.89 billion, a figure up 109 per cent on last year.


Her wealth has largely been spurred on by incredible demand for iron ore from China, which saw 12 people on the list with assets connected to mining more than double their wealth.


Second on the list is Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest, the former CEO of Fortescue Metals who now boasts a personal net worth of $23 billion.

At one stage Mr Forrest was adding an eye-watering $500 million a week to his personal net worth. He recently bought R.M. Williams.

In third place was cardboard king and Executive Chairman of Visy Industries Anthony Pratt and his family, who boast a combined net worth of $19.75 billion.


He is followed by property tycoon Hui Wing Mau ($18.06 billion) and technology guru Mike Cannon-Brookers in fifth with a personal net worth of $16.93 billion.

Curiously, despite a global pandemic dominating global economies the top 200 richest Australians increased their collective wealth by 24 per cent in 2020 to $424 billion.

Australia now has a record 104 billionaires, including seven people in the elite "ten-digit club" with a wealth exceeding $10 billion.


AFR Rich List co-editor Julie-anne Sprague said the ability to grow wealth during one of the toughest business years on record proved that Australia's richest are generally also its best business people.

"It's been one of the most turbulent years the Rich List team have ever encountered," Ms Sprague said.

"At the start of the pandemic many of the fortunes of the nation's wealthiest were crumbling, but they have proven to be exceptional business builders.

"They have taken advantage of shifting demands within the economy, driving overall wealth to new highs."