Anonymous ID: d30209 Oct. 28, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.11336934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7205 >>7259 >>7481 >>7766 >>7905

Tucker Carlson: What Tony Bobulinski told me and why it matters


Millions of dollars linked directly to the Communist Party of China went to Joe Biden's family


Tuesday night, we heard at length and on camera from one of the Biden family's former business partners. His name is Tony Bobulinski. He's a very successful businessman and a Navy veteran.


Bobulinski spoke to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" for a full hour. He told us he met two separate times with Joe Biden himself. Not just with Joe Biden's son or his brother, but with Joe Biden the former vice president and the man now running for president to discuss business deals with the communist government of China.


That's a very serious claim, and whatever your political views, it's hard to dismiss it when Tony Bobulinski makes it because Bobulinsky is an unusually credible witness. He's not a partisan, he's not seeking money, he's not seeking publicity. He did not want to come on our show.


But when Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and the Biden campaign accused Tony Bobulinski of participating in a Russian disinformation effort, he felt he had no choice. That was a slander against him and against his family. So Bobulinski came to us. He arrived with heaps of evidence to bolster the story he was telling. He brought contemporaneous audio recordings, text messages, emails, many financial documents.


By the end of the hour, it was very clear to us that Tony Bobulinski was telling the truth and that Joe Biden was lying. We believe that any honest person who watched the entire hour would come to the same conclusion.


CARLSON: When Hunter Biden said his chairman, he was talking about his dad.


BOBULINSKI: Correct, and what Hunter is referencing there is, he spoke with his father and his father is giving an emphatic 'no' to the ask that I had, which was putting proper governance in place around Oneida Holdings.


CARLSON: So, Joe Biden is vetoing your plan for putting stricter governance in the company. I mean, and it's it's right here in the email.


BOBULINSKI: Yes, Tucker, I want to be very careful in front of the American people. That is not me writing that. That is not me claiming that. That is Hunter Biden writing on his own phone. Typing in that 'I spoke with my chairman,' referencing his father.


All this is spelled out in the clearest possible language in documents that Bobulinski provided us, documents that federal authorities have subsequently authenticated as real.


On May 13, 2017, for example, Hunter Biden got an email explaining how his family would be paid for their deal with a Chinese energy company. His father, Joe Biden, was getting 10%.


BOBULINSKI: In that email, there's a statement where they go through the equity, Jim Biden's referenced as, you know, 10%. It doesn't say Biden, it says Jim. And then it has 10% for the big guy held by H. I, 1,000%, sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe Biden. It's, that's crystal clear to me because I lived it. I met with the former vice president in person multiple times.


Need a full-screen cap for baker, please!

Anonymous ID: d30209 Oct. 28, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.11337174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7228 >>7238 >>7264 >>7270 >>7340

Tucker Carlson Reports He Lost Only Copy of Documents That Nail Biden




By Jonathan Chait


The Trump campaign and its right-wing media messengers have devoted the final stretch of the election to insisting they had uncovered proof of deep corruption by the Biden family, along with demands that the mainstream media cover their allegations. (“Cover” means float insinuations of guilt, rather than nailing down the truth of the charges.)


There have been several fishy aspects to the accusations, however. For one, incriminating information supposedly located on a Hunter Biden laptop left in a Delaware computer shop had in fact been circulating in Ukraine well before it was reportedly turned over to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer. Over the weekend, Time reported that the Hunter Biden emails and photos were being shopped in Kiev last fall by somebody who “wanted to sell it to Republican allies of President Trump.” Several days later, Politico reported the “Hunter Biden laptop” material was being shopped around by a “Ukrainian oligarch looking for help with a potential legal jam” as early as spring of 2019.


Another oddity in the timing, as Andrew Prokop noticed, is that the star witness for Fox News and Trump, Tony Bobulinski, claimed he only came forward because he was outraged at the response to the New York Post story first reporting the email hacks. But Ben Smith reported in the New York Times that Bobulinski was working with Trump’s campaign to pitch the story to the Wall Street Journal, before they settled for giving it to the New York Post. (The Journal duly reported that they had no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.)


On Wednesday night’s show, Tucker Carlson reported that his team had acquired incriminating documents. However, they sent them from Washington to Los Angeles, and the documents disappeared. And they neglected to make any copies. So now the only copy of the documents that would nail the probable next President of the United States are gone:


That just shows how desperate Biden is to make this story disappear and in no way reflects poorly on the credibility of the sources of this alleged scandal.




Living in fear must be bad for your health…