This was a great piece to have posted here. It is so disgusting what is being done regarding American Universities and the "racial" preference for foreign graduates. If you are white, born in America and a graduate of a US University you should read "do not apply" in front of a lot of tech positions here. The small corporation I work for has a handful of engineers in the plant where I am employed. One of them is older, an American and has basically been the brunt of the "engineering staff" for years as far as I can tell. That engineer seems to do ALL the "heavy lifting" as far as engineering is concerned. The two other engineers are both foreign born (India and China), recent graduates and pretty much useless for genuine engineering purposes. BOTH will tell me to go to the other engineer (the hardworking American) with any real issues.
Btw, I am not against (a few) foreign students studying in the US or legal immigration per se. I simply want justice for people who's American parents and grandparents (some of whom were immigrants themselves) made sacrifices for the future of their children only to see their institutions (and people like the Bidens) sell them out to foreign entities and their jobs outsourced. The current situation holds the foreign graduates back, too, as they are underpaid and poorly treated as well.
If you have operations in the United States you should hire Americans before you consider foreigners.