Anons, gotta say I’ve gotten 2 boxes of the farm to families, it’s not cheap govt cheese, it’s real good food, box 1 watermelon,cantaloupe,potatoes 10 lb bag, bag of 20 apples, 4 gal fresh milk, 3 packs hotdogs, 2 packs Hamburg , bacon, eggs, fresh green beans.
Box 2 was 3 weeks later diff place
Box 2 potatoes 15 lbs, fresh beans, 4 lbs of FRESH shredded cheese, bacon 4 lbs, 4 lbs Hamburg, fresh trout 14 lb. fresh soups, eggs, breads, rolls, carrots, celery 3 lbs each. 4 gal milk. Chocolate dry mix.
And both had the letter from POTUS.
I kept both. Stashed them away in a album.