there in no one from /comms/ here
except to visit
>bred was created by comms to fuck up notables
does anyone believe this?
it is not true
if anons want to bake - then bake
but bake because you love it
then the breads taste sweet.
there in no one from /comms/ here
except to visit
>bred was created by comms to fuck up notables
does anyone believe this?
it is not true
if anons want to bake - then bake
but bake because you love it
then the breads taste sweet.
so you're trying to rebuild the bread.
it's been rebuilt before.
How will you protect it once it's rebuilt?
Who did you catch, anon?
the system seems to be rigged anon
even if you get quite a bit ahead
it's very hard to stay ahead
mebbe due to great numbers of shills or bots
not sure
you can try, but it's exhausting
another strategy is needed
if they get ahead, chances are a report won't be accepted
the bread 'behind' will be locked
try it
i hope you succeed
but if not, watch what happens very carefully
there's an OP on this board
probably a lot of time, $, energy and therefore hard to defeat
we may even be 'bait' of some kind (why allowed)
Good luck.
you are not crazy
yes - we are getting played
everyone will eventually realize it
the question is how much damage will be done by then
better soon than later
"we be a juicy morsel"
i remember when Taiwan became almost a non-country - no Olympics, its identity almost eradicated. This is a good day.
hey, I'm a third, just 6 posts down.
Order is key, so they seek to create chaos. Once you think you're all set, someone will start a dup bake - anon baker, i imagine OSS mostly. Or make multiple 'mistakes'. Or a "new baker" will step up and baker a while bunch of breads full of mistakes (and maybe some real new bakers also - but a mix).
If all else fails, find someone to blame - WR, comms, ABCU, etc. Doesn't matter who, anything to deflect attn and keep everyone confused and frustrated.
Saying this not to be negative but this seems to be the pattern. If anons fail this first time, notice whatever happens and try something else next time.
I'm sorry, it is not comms
'member this??