>>>11339526 9cbf08
>You're out on a limb. You just made a huge mistake.
>This is going to be fun.
>>>11339526 9cbf08
>You're out on a limb. You just made a huge mistake.
>This is going to be fun.
Just like you to make a mess and leave it for others to clean up…See you with your FAKE pepe! Take your recruits with you
>>11339581 9cbf08
U dumb faggots we're on this bred >>11337829 #81 hello with 429 posts? This #83's they got comp'd, jumped ship, now tryna swim back abord and spam BS. Fill the other fukken bred u retards
Buy a clue... that bread was locked by BO..Take your shit shilling home with you.
Anon, not sure how my post tagged you..sorry that message wasn't meant for you.
>>>11339797 (You)
>Then how am I still posting on it u dumbfuck?
Obviously someone opened it back up DUMB FUCK YOURSELF.
That image is from 10/2
Who are You KIDDING!.. Stop with the Subverse Bullshit and GET A LIFE!