He's FBI.
Wray must be really desperate to produce proof of these imaginary white supremacists that haunt his mind.
Did someone say something about locking down?
Hostile FBI made it into the bakery, conducted things in a way that he knew would piss everyone off, and refused to hand off. I stopped watching at some point. At least I think it's FBI, since they have the most stake in pretending that "QAnon" is white supremacy right now.
When he loses control of the thread, he gets upset enough to fat finger his keyboard and not correct typos. Emotional.
Yes. That guy is a fucking prick. He did everything he could to pick fights with anons.
I thought he was a /pol/lack who had too many internet fights with the Jews at first. But if "JQ" is the hill he chooses to die on, he's most likely a deep state fed.
Yes, that was him. He does it at every opportunity.
>Every election in the recent past has had MSM using their touch screen and showing possibilities, not this one for some reason. We are 5 days before election night and they are not bringing out their big screens to talk about it.
I wish they would, but I think I know why they don't.