Distraction. Hunter unable to control his dick and getting himself into trouble with a stripper keeps the complete idiots in the "I don' wanna know more" crowd from looking further - and that's a sizeable number of the normie pop. Why do you think we're so rare (although less rare now…our cadre from 2018-19 along with those glorious oldfags from even earlier has, in essence, trained a group of normies who cannot figure out 8k and turned them into dig/meme/pray warriors of some merit.)
About the Hunder incest matter and the distraction vs valid digg argument here, fuck the one-dimensional thinkers herein. It's both.
Just like C before D. Look at the news - the population has long been spoonfed the facts of Spygate and it's now generally accepted knowledge that it occurred, and it was criminal.
They've long suspected high level corruption but are just now getting full confirmation.
They're just learning of the treason.
They've been introduced to the child exploitation and human trafficking. Links have been put into place, but the dots are not fully connecting - yet.
Incest/cannibalism proofs will be a little later in the show. Hunter's crap is merely the briefest "naw, it couldn't be!" introduction.
Timelines merge when the time is right.
Convergence is two or more items approaching each other, not the actual merging into a bigger item.