Anonymous ID: 51f5aa April 21, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.1134595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4607 >>4626

What angle are the playing with this Anons?




ISIS Opens Campaign Against “Satanic” CNN, NASA, and Hollywood?


Disturbing news to report today from the Islamic State - where ISIS has now opened a new campaign threatening what they call the “Satanic” CNN news, NASA, and Hollywood's Universal Studios - which have many people scratching their heads in confusion.


Credit:"PJ Media


The emboldened Islamic State is currently engaged in running from American and Coalition forces across the Middle East under President Trump, who has repeatedly ordered the United States of America's military to completely eliminate the terrorist organization.


ISIS remains strong in one area, however, which is their endless propaganda capabilities.


For the better part of two decades, the Islamic State has engaged in immense and strategic weaponized cyber warfare in the form of propaganda, releasing both bot accounts to spread their hatred of the west and recruitment tools such as posters and memetics.


Now, the Islamic State has released a new poster, targeting the CNN news network, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Universal Studios; something that many would suggest is a bit strange.


Some would suggest that the Central Intelligence Agency, also known as being a part of the “Deep State,” has continued to finance various sects if the Islamic State across the globe, including in Syria where a coalition strike recently occurred.


We know the likes of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) once requested and received $500 million to fight ISIS in Syria, but General Lloyd Austin later testified in a federal court that “only four or five total” fighters were trained with that money.


Just where exactly did five-hundred million dollars vanish?


Could it be these same assets who are responsible for attacking the propagandist news network CNN, in an effort to label anyone who would question CNN as being tied to ISIS?


That's quite possible. Even more interesting is the fact that ISIS is the enemy of the same people who tend to criticize CNN, so having the Islamic State now attack CNN seems out of place.


This entire campaign seems strange. Nothing adds up. Why would ISIS target CNN, NASA, and Hollywood at all?


Readers can take this with a grain of salt themselves, and come to their own conclusions as to what's occurring here.

Anonymous ID: 51f5aa April 21, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.1134750   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Missouri Governor Eric Greitens Indicted On Felony Charge



On Friday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted on a felony charge of computer tampering stemming from actions related to his campaign and a nonprofit donor list.


St. Louis prosecutors allege that the Republican Governor took data from a veterans charity that he founded and used the information to raise money for his political campaign in 2016 without the charity's knowledge.


CNN reports:


Greitens founded the charity, The Mission Continues, to support military veterans as they readjust to civilian life. But a probable cause statement issued by the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office charged that Greitens "directed the disclosure" of "data, specifically a donor list owned by The Mission Continues, to a political fundraiser … working on behalf of Greitens for Missouri."


Greitens and an unnamed campaign aide "knew that the donor list disclosed on April 22, 2015, was taken without the permission of The Mission Continues."


In a statement, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley said: “These are serious charges – and an important reminder that no one is above the law in Missouri.”


“This charge makes no sense at all,” said Greitens' attorney, Ed Dowd, in response to the charges. “Now he's being accused of stealing an email list from an organization he built? Give me a break. Not only did he create this list donor by donor, friend by friend, but the Mission Continues still has the list. The idea that this is a crime is absurd.”


“When I came home from Iraq after service as a Navy SEAL, I started the Mission Continues to help veterans,” Greitens responded in a statement. “In the seven years I ran that organization, we helped thousands of veterans, won national awards for excellence, and became one of the finest veteran's charities in the country.”


“I stand by that work,” Greitens continued in the statement. “I will have my day in court. I will clear my name. This prosecutor can come after me with everything she's got, but as all faithful people know: in time comes the truth. And the time for truth is coming.”