Anonymous ID: b3f3ba April 21, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.1134485   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>TRUTH about Haiti and its people


I also used to think Haiti was a self-imposed "shit hole," which is the logical conclusion of someone spoon feed by Western corporate media their whole life. But, after doing my own research into its history, I learned exactly why it’s a shit-hole and it was certainly not self imposed. Haiti was the 1st Black country to stand up against colonialism and slavery over 200 years ago and for taking that stand for liberty, it has been made an example of by the ruling elite ever since. Haiti’s 3rd world status is the direct result of what Ivan Illich called “the war against subsistence.” The truth is Haitians don’t want our USAID. They just want the Globalists, the Pedos, and their cholera infected UN troops to get the hell out of their country and be left alone.



After 228 years as largely unsung contributors to American independence, Haitian soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War’s bloody siege of Savannah had a monument dedicated in their honor. On October 9, 1779, a force of more than 500 Haitian gens de couleur libre (free men of color) joined American colonists and French troops in an unsuccessful push to drive the British from Savannah in coastal Georgia.

