the dumas khunt never looked so pleased as to do paulie's bidding agsinst her will
#metoo victim po po kennedy
the dumas khunt never looked so pleased as to do paulie's bidding agsinst her will
#metoo victim po po kennedy
sellout on cnbc said earlier this morning on reporting the 33,1% rise in gdp
"–taxes by demonrats aren't going up, they say it but turn around and admit they were never going to implement something like that,, it's why i can be a demonrat…"
they lie to themselves and to the American people - `i imagine it comes naturally for them, like breathing…
sandi faux saux news just tripped up biden's fools errand econ trannie soi goi boi toi to counter the 33.1% by saying its the worst poorest growth in American history…,
even the dumb blonde had to push back.., must be that build back better mentality as an arse builder , huh sand!
no u don't u speak soroi goi toi fun soi trannnie majic luver boi