Fauci has no real power to do anything except appease the institutionally insane, but Wray is a roadblock to justice long over due.
Fauci has no real power to do anything except appease the institutionally insane, but Wray is a roadblock to justice long over due.
>Spying on Trump Campaign-No one held accountable
>Attempted Coup on Trump-No one held accountable
>Shooting in Las Vegas-No one held accountable
>Fake Russia Investigation-No one held accountable
>Impeachment based on false narrative-No one held accountable
>Hunter Biden Crimes Exposed-No one held accountable
>Media Slander (numerous examples) No one held accountable
>Eric Holder-gun running-Not held accountable
>Hillebrand-Connected to NXVIM-Not held accountable
>Huma Abdein-Not held accountable
>Wasserman-Schulte-Not held accountable
>Omar-married her brother-Not held accountable
>Missile Launch in Hawaii-No one held accountable
>Agencies selling baby body parts-No one held accountable
>Constant Leaking of Classified Documents-No one held accountable
>Adam Schiff-Not held accountable
>Lisa Page-Not held accountable
>Bruch Ohr-Not held accountable
>Jim Comey-Not held accountable
>Brennan-Not held accountable
>Clapper-Not held accountable
>Yavonich-Not held accountable
>Yates-Not held accountable
>Susan Rice-Not held accountable
>Vindman-Not held accountable
>The Clintons-Crimes against children-Not held accountable
Nice List, anons