>>11344761 (lb)
>I was listening to Anthony Patch describe how CERN may use strangelets to cause (paraphrasing) the splitting of quarks by overcoming their natural nuclear bond. This would create a violent rip in the fabric of space time. (Stranger Things anyone?)
I just want you to know that all that non-sense about "space-time" fabric is complete fictional bull shit. Physics went off the rails pretty much with Einstein. Many were outspoken against his bat-shit "theories", including Nikola Tesla.
Physics of the 19th Century laid the groundwork for basically every bit of technology we have today. Einstein was a smokescreen, which they used to retard the field of physics and "science" by several centuries.
There are not four fundamental" forces in Nature. Only One. Weak nuclear force is basically the relationship between ionic bonds. This is very easily understandable from an electrical perspective as ions are basically atoms that carry a positive or negative charge.
The "strong nuclear force" is basically just the Electromagnetic bonds that hold atoms together. Very strong, indeed.
The Electromagnetic Force is real.
"Gravity" is basically static cling on a Gaussian Sphere, created by a dipole effect that slightly skews the electron from the nucleus, in every atom the makes up "Earth".
There is definitely a voltage potential between the surface of the Earth and "outer space" that surrounds us. Although, for over a century, "experts" claim that is a "preposterous" notion to even suggest, because they think charges automatically cancel each other out. This defies many known observations, including the one stated above.
As for "space-time". There is "space". And there is "time". There is no "space-time". Nor is there "fabric" of…
"Time" is a unit of measurement, completely independent of "space". "Space" is merely the distance between point charges, which are not randomly scattered, but organized out of the chaos, by the Electromagnetic Force, which powers every star and galaxy in our Universe.
P.S. There was no "big bang".
P.P.S. Reality is far stranger than fiction. And infinitely moar marvelous