Has it ever occurred to you that those bots are there to condition normie brains to handle this place? If the bots trigger you, your lurking phase is not yet complete. Scroll, filter, what the fuck ever. This place ain't for everyone.
Agent Downs has solved the case. You know how I know you aren't an organic, legit anon?
You oooooze Tumbler fatty.
I'll never get over Macho Grande
Best Donkey Show I ever saw! Acuna '86 bishes!
That's not The Rock. It's Tyrus.
Why are you flashing your granny panties Linda from Facebook?
Matt Damon disagrees
Kek. That's Talcum X
DSM fag. Can confirm big bird overflew my house westbound.
Wrong. It's Maya Angelou
No this is Neil DeGrasse Tyson
No anon, that's Bryant Gumble
No no no
It's Judge Joe Brown
It's ok bi anon, we're all anonymous here
It's called your period sweetie.