Holy Shit.
Avicii total 187 because he did this music video. Insane!
This is not a game. In boxing one of the ways to win is to outwork your opponent with sheer volume of punches and not doing a tit for tat punch trading game. Even power punchers utilize this strategy because no one wants to eat punches for 12 rounds when they can finish the fight in 6.
IMHO, the current game being played even by you Q appears to follow a tit for tat strategy. You also seem to run the game at the speed at which MSM can follow all of this. So, despite the fact that the narrative control is more and more being done by you guys, the speed at which its relayed is still being run at MSM speed. How are you supposed to break the average Americans confidence and reliance on MSM if you are playing the game by their ground rules, which is relying on the MSM to relay the fake news/staged news at their speed, at their leisure?
Drop the Punch for Counterpunch strategy. Attack via multiple angles at once, increase the punch output to the point where MSM cannot keep up and starts tripping over themselves. Make sure the average American becomes clearly aware of this. Break the MSM by overloading them. They are only human, CNN and MSNBC soyboys can only pound their keyboards for so many hours per day.
Move in and take control not just of the narrative but also the speed and method that the narrative is being relayed.
God bless USA