I sincerely wish him a painful death. I just know he's a window peeper or some other kind of total creep like that.
I don't buy it. To Brennan the NSA would have been like Walmart to a nigger.
Nothing that supports the Dems is illegal in Jew York.
Yes, to collect the data needed to implement full tyranny. Why wouldn't Brennan love the NSA? I'm more than willing to consider what you're saying, just not seeing it.
Why don't you just spell out your theory and what facts support it?
I gave my position already. WHAT IS YOURS?
>ho lee fuck, dumbass.
Are you that "word salad" loser coming up with something equally lame and unoriginal and still not making a point? GFY.
Thanks John. You've been a joy, as always.
The bigger question for me is why Trump appointed him.
>being doxxed by the likes of you
LOL. That's the last thing you'd ever find me doing to anyone.
Strange take, dawg.
But there's plenty Barr could have done and didn't. Not squashing further Hillary investigations is one good example. So again, why did Trump appoint him?
There was never any reason to delay.
>It's us or them.