Xi's Gotta Have It: China's Communist Party Has a Long-Range Plan to Overtake the United States
Asia Times reports on the Chinese Communist Party’s congress, which concludes today.
The allegedly free but increasingly leftist U.S. media isn’t reporting much on it, which is interesting all by itself.
Granted, foreign policy doesn’t drive as many sick burns or clicks as your average Instagram influencer, but it’s still important.
Lately, a question about our media, and the Democrats it clearly favors at the expense of its own credibility, has slipped into my mind unbidden.
When the Hunter Biden scandal first erupted, media, social media, and the Democrats attacked it in concert from three directions.
Media and social media both acted to disrupt the story’s path to American eyeballs and ears from their respective angles. They censored it and continue to pretend it’s not even there. The NY Post is still locked out of its Twitter account, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who looks like he’s auditioning to play Russian lunatic Rasputin in some badly-funded Netflix movie, offered all kinds of circular reasoning and even outright lies under oath, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, to justify it. Meanwhile, the Democrats have trotted out Rep. Adam Schiff from the people’s republic of California to slam the Biden story — without a shred of evidence — as “Russian disinformation.”
Schiff had no evidence. He didn’t need any for CNN, MSNBC, and the like to trumpet his claim uncritically. The “Russian collusion” tale has been long discredited by now. But that doesn’t seem to matter.
Democrats never say, and media never ask, whether a given story might be Chinese disinformation — despite the fact that, as Asia Times reports, China does have a plan and the ambition to overtake the United States as the world’s leading superpower. Russia lacks the means and the ambition for such a global role. That went away with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Is it impossible for a given news story to be Chinese disinformation? They have more money and much more savvy than Moscow. Disinforming and dividing America would reasonably be expected to be among China’s strategies to overtake us. Right?
China has been buying American researchers through its Thousand Talents Plan, which we’ve repeatedly reported on here. So there is precedent, happening right now, for China to use the wealth it has gained over the past few decades against those of us who have made it wealthy.
We know it can buy silence and even open support from major American athletes and leagues. The National Basketball Association seems to forget which nation it plays in. Facial recognition at NBA arenas if fans are allowed in next season?
We know China has planted its Confucius Institutes at universities all over the United States, putting sweet cash into the coffers of bloated, leftist universities that now teach open hatred for the United States and its alleged sins — but not, curiously, the sins and murders of communists Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and so forth.
Isn’t that interesting?
So the question is, have our media also become instruments of China’s foreign policy?
While you ponder that question, take a look at the Asia Times report.
Justin Lin, aka Lin Yifu, head of the Peking University’s (PKU) National School of Development, told a forum in Beijing on Wednesday that the economy could ride out the geopolitical headwinds and keep expanding at 6-8% annually for the next ten years.