Do any of his pornos actually show his biological relatives or just his sister in law ? Big difference (although he is still a scumbag).
The kid was nicer about it than I would have been. In fact, I was the biggest right wing asshole to every leftist scumbag teacher I ever had. They passed me to the next regardless of my grades.
If he is right, then there needs to be a major reckoning on the media, especially NBC/Comcast. I am talking Nuremberg style hearings and trials.
Even at 269, Trump wins because the GOP holds a majority of the state assemblies. But I think Trump takes Arizona and Nevada. In fact, I think he takes Nevada by more than he takes Arizona. And out of the trio, he takes at least win, too. I think Michigan is the one he takes.
I hope karma comes to you through rectum cancer. And then I hope your children die in a fire. Fuck you.