If Trump loses the election 5 days form now, there is no doing the "unthinkable" for this anon… I've followed Q since the beginning and red -pilled my fair share of normies.
I will cast my vote for Trump and pray for his re-election.
I've served this country for 8 years as a commissioned military officer, and currently serve my community as a law enforcement officer for the past 16 years. I stick my neck out each and everyday for complete strangers who would otherwise rather see me dead. That's my choice and I accept this risk.
I have a family and home, and I'm not going to risk everything I've worked all my life for a bunch of people who fell asleep 35 years ago and let the Democrats/Marxists/Communists/ANTIFA/BLM/Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate our government & country.
I've survived past corrupt administrations, I will survive the next one.
Good luck to those anons that may choose to do the "unthinkable" on Nov. 3rd… if necessary.