Look what Christ had to go through to save you. Now you're being called on to save America, a Nation consecrated by God. Glory is forever.
The 99 notables didn't fully populate in the dough. Might be a space issue. Anons have been laying the lumber today.
There is no weapon or force in this realm that can defeat an answered prayer.
The Big Ten is playing Football on Saturday. President Trump was in a death match with the Michigan Governor over it. Do you hear him beating his chest about it or rubbing her nose in it? No.
Humility is salt in the recipe of winning. Without it the taste of victory is bitter and unfulfilling. We are humble winners that act like we've been there before.
I'll give it to you straight. In this realm you either work for God or you work with the devil and those that try to play the middle get burned by both. Lash your raft to God and hold tight. Don't let go for anything or anybody. We will weather this storm.
You're one prayer away from the full protection of God. In 30 seconds or less you can be placed in the witness protection program that God runs on Planet Earth. Be a witness for God.
Everyone is a witness to something, whether it be sex, drugs, fame, wealth, vanity or God's love. It's what you choose to witness.
Yep - Trust nothing you hear. Do your own research. Convince yourself with facts. Q is teaching us to think for ourselves in a world that has been taught to think what we are told to think.