a few hrs ago, i came here, mainly to get the news, but as happens sometimes, i ended up getting sucked into a pissing contest. not pointing fingers at anyone, i was as much to blame as anyone, or more so. then, something an anon wrote got to me, and i decided i needed to take a break. i turned on the boobtube, and half-heartedly surfing thru the wasteland, i stumbled across a documentary about the "Freedom Riders" airing on PBS. i lived thru those times (tho not in mississippi), but seeing the film brought back memories, feelings, and perspective i had forgotten. and when it was over, i was humbled and embarrassed by my own recent conduct here.
so… to anyone and everyone i have offended since i began posting here,I'M TRULY SORRY.that includes not only God, Q, and anons, but shills, trolls, clowns, and even the unnamed one. the only way to defeat darkness is by being the light. i will continue to lurk, and i will continue to post notables if and when i come across one. but i will no longer engage in the type of bickering and sniping of which i have been guilty of late. my frustration and impatience isNO EXCUSE.
Q, and the better angels of our nature, remind us that rather than being at each others throats, we need to unite against those that continue to sow the seeds of discord. i'm not making excuses, but being human, often that is easier said than done. most of those that were woke long ago (a lot more people than some may think) had long since given up hope. then when DJT was elected on the promise to drain the swamp, those long decades of hopelessness slowly gave way to renewed enthusiasm and purpose. but after three years of waiting for "soon" to arrive, three years and promises of booms that turned out to be snap crackle and pop, and all the while the relentless drone of the MSM hammering the party line into friends and family, the frustration begins to build. frustration that can be amplified by the cumulative effect of decades of despair. and frustration can manifest in destructive behavior. we have to be better.Ihave to be better.
i think others here might benefit from watching the PBS documentary on the Freedom Riders. it was well done and reminiscent of the fair and unbiased journalism that PBS used to be known for, decades ago. anyone who does not know who the Freedom Riders were, would profit bigly from taking the time to learn. i encourage everyone to go online, find it, download it, stream it, whatever, just watch it, and compare the events in america today to the historical events depicted in the film. even those of us who were alive in those days will benefit seeing it, and for sure the peaceful protesters of BLM would find a thing or two to learn, like what REAL "systemic racism" looks like, and how to best respond in order to bring about positive change.
i know…I'VE WRITTEN SO MUCH TEXT.. but i felt the need to apologize, and expound, so there it is.