Black Nobility
Secret Treaty Of Verona
Secret Government
Behold A Pale Horse
Q , care to opine ?
Black Nobility
Secret Treaty Of Verona
Secret Government
Behold A Pale Horse
Q , care to opine ?
The Archbishop Vigano letter to POTUS talks about many of the same NWO plans William Cooper warned about, some to a T.
the section of Earth removed is called the cradle of civilization, Egypt , Greece , East Europe.
Seems to be " set aside " or held above what is to come, OR it is the testing grounds.
anon wonders if Bishop read Behold A pale Horse ?
He is talking about Mystery Babylon.
there is online written transcripts, often easier to scroll thru for what anons may be looking for reference wise. In this hour 19 , documentation is given from PIKE and Mackey that the Lodge worships Lucifer ( BUT , it is only known to the highest degrees )
on the harlots head the very word MYSTERY is inscribed
Holds a cup full of abominations ( Revelation )
such a time as the world has never seen
Q , drops this Bishops letter to Trump on the eve of a very dark spiritual day.
Pray, and stand in the evil day, having done all , to stand
those that think a great reset is a Jubilee Year are gonna be upset
You Lose , good day sir.
and all Freedoms too
Pray that anons listen to or read transcripts of Bill Coopers MYSTERY BABYLON set.
Pick a topic from the index , and just start.
Oh, the things you will learn , discernment awaits