Most of you won't even watch this - and will ignore some very very important facts. I am not religious - but this is something you need to to pay attention to.
Most of you won't even watch this - and will ignore some very very important facts. I am not religious - but this is something you need to to pay attention to.
This man is talking about how the church got taken over by the anti-church. (anit-Christ) The current Pope is an imposter! Please watch this. This is so important. This is what we are living right now. Please watch this.
He is being truthful
He is calling out the "New World Order" and saying they are the anti-Christ
If the church is rotten, then yes, he will be. It doesn't make the truth any less truthful.
This has nothing to do with what "religion" any of us are.
Watch this. Just watch it.
I am not religious. I don't "pollute" my thoughts with this crap.
However, you bring up the Bible. So why is your Bible different?
(This is a real question - not trying to be an ass)
I'm not trying to get people to watch this for religion. I just wanted people to see that even the Catholic church person who wrote the letters is admitting that we are at a tipping point…. Never mind. I don't know why I even bother here.
I was there. I see what is happening. I'm trying to point out it's happening in real time now. No one else wants to see it - so fuck 'em.
everyone loves free shit
I see so much of this shit even from the "right"
They are hoping/praying for a "reset"
They will give up everything to be 'debt free'
These people really think it is the only way they will be able to live happily.
Even if Trump wins - we are going to have to address this nonsense. Between the libs and these dreamers… I have very little faith in humanity.