great bake!
going to go very good with my fresh covfefe
thank (you) anon for stepping up
great bake!
going to go very good with my fresh covfefe
thank (you) anon for stepping up
so like whos dick does an anon have to suck to get some digitz checked around here
is this like phrasing?
are we not doing that anymore?
because if were not doing it thats cool
I just want to know
digitz confirm
its gonna be biblical!
>>11355420 Dough
>bread number wrong
>Attn Baker
>#14502#14453-โ S/B 14503
Good catch anon
reporting for re-numbering by BO/BV
>>11355602 bread numbering mistake caught
>>11355632 anon reporting
reported to BO/BV
If any BO/BV are aroundโฆ
would you prefer bread mis-numbering reports to be general reports or global reports?
(or anyone else that can answer that question if already known)
5:5 anon
I reported as well
if they around
it will be adjusted to the green shortly
> think I can do night shift baking for a few hours a night, if someone can help me figure it out. I think I have it figured out but tutors are beneficial.
barkeep bakes here
I am usually around for the full nightshift and graveyard
I am TOTALLY willing to hold your hand so to speak and ghost while you bake
answer any questions, spot you if anything goes wrong so to speak
here is my main avatar
>Where's your discernment, anons?
you are excersizing it, anon
the hive is ALL of us working together
thank you for catching
>I will check in with Learn to bake session. Then hopefully I can get with you if I have questions
perfect plan
follow the relevent links from the dough, the instructions are solid
make a habbit of looking for the User ID of the baker who is currently baking (whenever)
and then ctr+f (find in page) that digit hash to look at all of the bakers posts
this will help you get a picture of what a baker does "during" the bake, other than just creating new breads
any questions, I will be here
tag me, or just ask in the open
I read every comment when I am here, kek
you get the dubz AGAIN
cheking more digits
on posts that were also checking digits
the digits are FLOWING
kek would not lie to us anon
look at all the massive GET's POTUS has gotten pre-election
is he POTUS?
yeah, reconcile that shit in your pipe and smoke it
>Bread seems to have taken on a somber tone, no?
I am comfy as fuck anon
we had a huge coming together of anons this afternoon/ evening
burried many hatchets
I am feeling fucking awesome
tippy top comfy even
>Yea to bad that idiot went for socialism
this is EXACTLY where Hitler went wrong
everything else though
>You really have to understand who's been controlling Earth for thousands of years. They control history and rewrite it to fit their agenda.
okay anon
digits confirm
everything written about hitler is fake and gay
every last drop of ink
I am never going to forget this night
and I will kek out loud everytime you re-post my cap
never stop being you anon
never stop being you
that bitch is winning so hard
in the middle of a Biden rally
and winning BIGGLY
someone get that chic a MAGA hat, STAT
>Soak it up, more incoming.
good copy
message well received
covfefe brewed and ingested
ship is sailing smooth
all systems nominal
ready for inspection
>i is a Marker
any connection to the minutemen fired from CA to Marshall Islands yesterday morning anon?
>You do know where the swastika comes from right? Or do you think the nazis created it?
I am a follower of the sky clock anon
I know what Ursa Major is, anon
the wheel of the seasons
and much more indeed
>Extra i in Famiily
>Q drops
>[i] is a marker
What rocket fired today?
Message sent.
>any connection to the minutemen fired from CA to Marshall Islands yesterday morning anon?
well, a rocket WAS fired
POTUS DID tweet the extra i
who got the message?
I call that a fucking marker?
>>11355947 marker 9?
holy fuck are you dense?
I dont think the muhNazi's invented the swastika
and I dont suck Vril dick either
damn fine job of collecting all the different dig threads along with all the relelvent newsies
doing great work bakes!
>What does it feel like to lose the battle for 4 years in a row?
Like a wound that can never heal.
>Massive Trove of Biden Docs and Evidence
seems notable AF to me
(not clicking that shit.png)
where did you get that link, nigger?
ding ding ding
bonus question
at what age does the human sacrum (base of the spine) ==finish= fusing into one bone?