>PETERs Chair (Chair where rock was)
>ROCK (Peter and on this rock)
>KEYS (Gates)
>QUEENS Coronation chair (CORONA)
Pictures tell the story.
Author of the Letter in Q #4941
Today, he is in the news for a very different reason. The story began over half-a-century ago when the two priests—Fathers Carlo Maria and Lorenzo, part of a family of eight siblings—inherited a sizable fortune from their father, a steel industrialist in Milan, who died in 1961. The brothers decided to keep their part of the inheritance “in common” and agreed that Carlo Maria would manage it. Father Lorenzo told an Italian daily in 2011 that he had “trusted him blindly,” until his brother’s actions caused him to resort to legal action and demand the division of their inheritance. (Previous reports in the Italian press have said Father Lorenzo is a Jesuit, but this is not true, according to Il Sismografo, a well-informed site for Vatican news.)
According to the court in Milan, by September 2010 the inheritance included several units of real estate valued at around$23 million, plus a sum of money of around $7 million. Much of the money was held in a bank in Switzerland. The court concluded that the former nuncio had benefited from the real estate, keeping all the money that should by right have been shared with his brother, totaling about $4 million