The people have been undergoing a soft deprogramming through the last few years. It got more intense as we progressed through this movie.
Sylvia Buford, an associate of Ted Patrick who assisted him on many deprogrammings, described five stages of deprogramming (Stoner 1979):
Discredit the figure of authority: The cult leader
Present contradictions (ideology vs. reality)
The breaking point: When a subject begins to listen to the deprogrammer; when reality begins to take precedence over ideology.
Self-expression: When the subject begins to open up and to voice some of his own gripes against the cult.
Identification and transference: When the subject begins to identify with the deprogrammers, starts to think of himself as an opponent of the cult rather than a member of it.
The people are living it and deciding for themselves- at leas a lot now.
We’ll see what happens…….