>you want any covfefe, senpai?
Snooz ya loose
Chickitty chekt
>any advice you can give for learning how to bake
Step 1: First, locate some pots.
Step 2: Then, you take them
jk. But seriously, tho. I'm scared to bake cause muh laptop loses connection all the time, and sometimes crashes in the middle of whatever I'm doing, which then takes several minutes to rig back up with magic touch of cord twisting.
From what I gather, there is a lot of copy pasting to baking. Then, you get screamed at for doing it wrong. But don't worry. Many will tell you they love you. So, it all evens out in the end. Note talking can be difficult if bread is flying. So, the best time to do any bakes is at night. Because day breads fly by pretty quickly. I'm kind of autistic when it comes to reading and typing and shit. So, typically day breads fly by faster than I can read, let alone take notes. I was never really good at taking notes, anyway. I was moar of a class clown, in case anyone hasn't figured out. But the information absorbs in my head better that way.
Don't know if that helps any. But I tried.
Crashing for the night.
Keep up the Good Fight!