4, part 1 of 2
Great, even grave, anxieties hold these days fore-shadowing 2020 decision day. Focus on arrests is most vexing on this run-up for those who run. "Lock him up" echos 2016, "Lock her up!" One Party would 'lock him up' for insanity, of the other, the other would 'lock him up' for criminality. Granted, both could be right, but odds are one is profoundly right, even Right, and the other notoriously wrong, wrong and always… Left wrong. Most folks having long enthusiastically cheered for arrests, for more than 4 years, are hotly vexed for seeing none but one, in these eves before three of one-one, not yet won. Most of the rest, we'll call the badly mottled Left, clearly shrinking minority, are just oblivious to the grave consequences that soon must and will fall, no matter of current slants and slopes on election hoaxing foisted on them day by day. Their anxieties stems from confusion over why their is any talk of arrests. The branding of 'useful idiots', falls to them from both sides now, stuck dubiously up their unseen, this bottom-feeding, mottled Left lot.
In wake of October, pages surf, well timed, read waves swell into red tide. Let it freak. The plot of rampant ignorance by MSM/BigTech rapidly dwindles. Yet to the remaining, the small Horde, I now turn to give keen focus. These are they who know they are guilty of HELL, yet cling together, with and to their many of high power. They plot to remain beyond Law for crimes hard earned piling tall for decades long. Their anxieties beckon them to stay free to do more and greater deeds of evil. This is the riotous HORDE, righteous strangers, escaped from Justice. On scale 1 to 10, their anxiety hits 20, vote 2020.
The powerful LEFT has grown so mighty in these March-ing-days, since March 2020, Harris in need of crowd to yell at megaphones a presumably friendly Cleveland line headed to vote. Admittedly, compared to her superiors, Biden, Barry, Hilly, Harris wins prize for biggest presumed D crowd, looking to be walking away from her. Whereas Trump obscurely stomps among orchard stumps, presumably on less than friendly Maine land, MAGA-phones a well enthused, rushing-in, happily cheering great throng of We, The People. Did POTUS steal Big Apple title on that heavily fruited slope? Is Big Apple moved to Sunshine State surrounded by orange complexion, adding to the Cuomo/DeBlasio tale, the Chase of Fail Tail? No Joe, optics are no good. Where and how this great Nation has genuinely transformed these past 4 is truly inspiring… for most, but not for mottled Left, their Hordes and lords, Dem/Cabal.
THE FACT OF 2020, is not mere win or lose, as in a term limited office hold. A short political win of one over another is not the reality of our immense rallies, one after another. 2020 is about long jail-incarceration for horrendous criminality spread over decades of deceit… or termination… of all such investigations and thus NO JAIL TIME, NO CHARGES, NO COURT. The tale attached to Cuomo's fail-tail becomes not guilty for sending death into nursing homes. Human trafficking will never see light of day thanks to the D pedophile crowd, thanks peJoe-phile. FILTHY Rich politicians will remain FILTHY Rich. Household names will remain household names, never to become IMPRISONED household names. Election fraud will become enshrined. We, The People, cease. China bosses the world. The great rallying folk know this well. America, the world, is on the line, for all of time, not just four more.
Trump will landslide again, his coattail enormously long and strong, red tsunami. In the wake of coming JUSTICE, the Trump coattail will even further mushroom and blossom as political thugs get taken off all manner of streets across America. This is far from hidden from the Criminal Left, D Horde, both their well-known and their shadows not-known, that is the wide ranging syndicates of Political Crime Families and all their many street looting, rioting thugs. They know their crimes and they know they are many and most damning. Thus stage is set for 11.4 coup, break-off, split, divide… AMERICA.
2020 is about survival, existential, of the worst kind. Either We, The People, survive or the lies of Socialism rises, ignoring all manner of criminality, forever, ripping America apart. At the crossroad, says it well.
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This election is nothing normal because what potentially lies on courtroom tables fights for Republic survival. Many of the most, many have known this before decision 2016, yelling it loud and clear. Certainty of mind-boggling criminality has been in no scarce supply.