>…any actual anon…
>I have the same feelz bro kek I love your attitude
>I've gained about 30lbs.
>me too, the cleanse starts Nov 4th
Fuck it, #metoo, gonna get back to the gym.
Anons are getting in shape!
>the temple that maps the structure of your skull was named for a King
>/Would you like to know more?
Yeah, actually.
>-do not wash yourself before the temple gates
>-do not make an offering at the brazen altars
>-do not purify yourself before the holy of holies
>-and do not sanctify yourself before the holy convenent of your divine right
High IQ post, nice digits to match.
>>11356687 Sorry anon, that retard comment was not directed at you. It was directed at me.
This is a great bread.
Music Of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples
Proper music for this evenings bread.
Thank you Anon.