I think this should be in every bread until the shillstorm blows on through. And they do blow… probably goats.
Show me one even vaguely antisemitic post by Q. I will wait.z
Really. You know exactly what that means. Wow why aren't you president? Plus big difference between the political state of Isreal and the Jewish people. Bzzzzzzzzzz
I know you know this as well as I do… big difference between being anti- Israel and being anti- Jew.
If you can't admit that you are too dumb to deserve to have an opinion.
Because guess what asshole? This is the Q research board. And Q has never pointed us at Israel as a dig target. Never. So all you are doing is trying to subvert this board with your own childish prejudices.
Call me when Q starts talking about Israel.
God save me from morons.