Part I -
A false belief driven by a demented, twisted view of the Scriptures plays out in the political realm. Whatever men and women worship, whatever belief system they support will determine their political and social stance. If a person elected to office worships a being they call Satan, or Lucifer they will work to pass legislation that supports their belief system such as condoning child pornography and human trafficking.
A misguided belief, a false belief, or the intentional, and knowingly twisted propaganda that passes for religion will always play out in the political realm of our world because, whether right or wrong, a person will always act on their beliefs. The world becomes twisted because false religion is promoted as truth, and the truth of the Scriptures is deliberately silenced!
Catholic dogma is responsible for much of the religious propaganda that rules our world. The church at Rome became apostate around 300 AD. But, they are not the only false teachers. Muslim and Rabbinical Judaism are also false teachers who contradict God's word.
And, yet Catholics and "Jews" are the top picks for the US Supreme Court as if only they know YHVH, when in reality their religious background is antithetical to God's word. We elect people to the US Congress whose belief systems are directly opposed to God's word. Do you really think they will pass legislation that is moral and upright?
The worst result of the most egregiously twisted and promoted false belief system is that good people, moral people have been convinced they must wait for Christ to come again because they believe He will fix all of these problems at THE END OF TIME! So, good people sat on their hands and waited…. and waited…. and waited.
Predictions of a "second coming" of Christ failed. New predictions were quickly generated, and then failed again. Many people who believed this false doctrine spread by the Roman Catholic Church began to be disillusioned and angry. But instead of questioning the false doctrine, they walked away from God. Now, today a great many people have lost their faith in God, and have been persuaded that the Bible is wrong.
But, what if the concept of a future "second coming" of Christ has been deliberately promoted for a political agenda? What if all of the futurist expectation of a reign of Christ on earth was a result of the RCC / Jesuit Counter-Reformation of the 16th century AD? What if this twisted dogma was picked up by the Rothschild's in the 19th century and used to deceive Americans into supporting their Greater Israel Project?