'thank you ' . . . .blah blah
'plesure and an honor'
as if yo are a gatekeeper and let him be here, in total opposition to what a free speech board is supposed to be.
totally and completed compromised baker here, anon.
'thank you ' . . . .blah blah
'plesure and an honor'
as if yo are a gatekeeper and let him be here, in total opposition to what a free speech board is supposed to be.
totally and completed compromised baker here, anon.
you don't act like a fellow servant, nor do you behave like you believe in equality.
you sound like a slave, tasked to be here and do your 'holy me' bit, like a snake would.
the snaker is doing a false piety bit, mocking actual faithful people. But false piety, that bit, is a fake bit. The bit he's doing with the redtext 'blah blah blah to serve' is mocking actual people of faith who wouldn't go all slovin wile doing it. and really would not be braggarts about it either.
the punch and judy show is doing a false-piety bit today. Evil clerics who really are satanists on morphine.
the way it works:
'because I larp as a religious hypocrite cleric then you must believe that all clerics are religious hypocrits and evil'
you make no sense.
it's not a crime to make a meme like that.
I remember a 30 something young Black woman at the wall mart almost in tears becasue they didn't have the soap she regularly buys, almost shaking.
I told her it would all pass, and she got her composure back . . .
'The Bible Says'
this phrase is often used to deride charlitons and fake Christians who partially quote, or misquote, the Bible outside of the context of the Living Word.
but it might be said with with an implied accent, as if it's vernacular.
'da bible say . . . '
the division is dividing is the new script of the day.
blaming 2000 years of History on some small set of fallacies about the eccumenical and civic organizations that, as a confederacy, make up the modern Catholic, and all the Christian Churches. (and Hospitals, and other organizations).
but they haters of organization and civil structures for the people have to try to bring you to the mountaintop and wait for the 'coming of the Lord' at some special moment in time that they say it is (and they are always wrong).
And they love to hate on Catholics because it's been so successful for them in the past.
if you say all that do you make long silybent s's that sound like a snake is talking?
that snake has no mind, I suppose.
don't waste your time trying to reason with it.
It would give a baby a bible, and nothing else and say 'this is sufficent'
"find your way to heaven all by yourself!"
ignoring the presence of the three parts, one of which remains, such snakes like to chop us off from our lives and bring us to a fallow wasteland and call it 'new jerusalem'.