Mormon much?
Wow - total moron.
Your caps are faggot and your sentences are just STUPID (there's some caps for ya).
Yeah - I've since figured out this stuff is faggotry.
BTW: I'm not the Lord of anything. Jesus Christ is my Lord and is Lord of all.
gorefag is back...smh
I bet you (gibberfag), gorefag, and animefag really understand each other, don't you?
discerning each other's asshole is faggot.
take your shillfag nonsense back to redditt, faggot.
I dont have to look any further than the hate you post here. I see plenty of hate. You glow faggot.
My master is Jesus Christ.
and no, there's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. divisionfaggot.
your judgement is failing. take the log out of your own eye before you consider taking the splinter out of mine.
I pray for conversion to Christ daily. You?
or do you just spend your time making a fool of yourself on the boards, railing against Christians?
Ever hear of a whitewashed tomb?
so now you are judging men's souls, huh?
your division faggotry is noted by all.
you suppose yourself to be a Christian.
if so, then to declare I am not your brother is de facto judgement that I am not a Christian.
read slowly and repeatedly until you get it.