Anonymous ID: 585a3b Oct. 30, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.11359749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


symbols are used by people. the people use those symbols to make a 'statement'.

other people use the same exact symbols to make a completely different statement.

given that as premise, that seems valid to most . . . do you reconsider your conclusions?

rather it's the 'use of the symbols' and the need to be symbolic . . . to smack talk and harvast wind, that is what really makes a lot of people seem to plummet to earth.

the need to have it, even when they have nothing to say.

the need to grandstand a blank cause so they can be in charge of it.

the need to 'advertise their depravity'.


they need or covetousness for being the big voice in the room, the shout out that brings down the king, the 'gotcha' question that dethrones a governor.


symbols, persay, aren't a downfall on their own.

sometimes it's just a sign. It says 'this way to the commode'