cant say thanks enough baker!
he was handled and in bondage by the enemy for over 20 years…
thank GOD for GRACE!
but yes, we still killin' em wit they own symbolism…
If he could cover that tat with 'JESUS LOVES ME' I'm sure he would..
wow yall are emberassingly stupid.
dickpics and hookers wasn't OCTO SUPRISE enough for you? the 'emails'? the METH PIPE?!
what'd you want me to do, release the Trump tax returns er somethin?
thank GOD we aren't judging you by your non-successfull ass life, and your lil job that makes NO IMPACT on society around you….
keep thinking you are 'WORKING FOR GOD'…
that same 'satan' you talk about has tricked you into complicity.
too many digits, i couldn't post it on their twitter without taking off some periods and stuff.
thats last resport.
rn theres no need.
we KNOW we have them beat by evidence…
((they)) KNOW we have them beat in a court of law.