>Tranny larping as a cold blooded killer
Why do you type like a fag? What's with the double space between sentences?
Real anons have lost a lot in this war, sacrifices are made each day, but you are not anon.
Look at how you attack Q and POTUS here while dismissing all the evidence against the deep state.
>Biden laptop who cares.
You sure do, based on the panic i see here.
>Epstein is more closely associated with Trump.
You fucking moran, only shills have ever tried pushing that POTUS is more connected to epstein. Try again.
>There's no proof that Biden actually did anything illegal or corrupt with Hunter.
Keep trying to dismiss the emails as a nothingburger, it'll never go away and there's more to come.
I used to feel bad for you shills, but still to this day you choose to work for the devil. You deserve to burn in hell and rot in prison.