POTUS on final into Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Do fuck off.
Emo Jima footsolders and blue haired land whales.
With any luck, POTUS will put new tires on his chair just before they plug it in.
PAT609 (03-0016) out of Louisville.
LOBO712 out of Midland Airport. Apparently, it's a Space port too…
Hitman 45
A few other things need correcting as well.
I'm Spartacus and so's my wofe.
wife, even.
The Biden "Clap for that, you dumb bastards" video wouldn't hurt either.
Trips confirm.
Nobody knows who (or what) Q is.
But none outside those 10
R1944 went to Scott Air Force Base. PAT009 is lanmding at Lancing, Michigan.