blue pill fortunate people who never really had to try that hard.
He pointed out the speculation but some took it as confirmation.
I think also they trolled out some guy as a bait to see if anyone would dare and be a jerk to him, someone in Georgia with an edgey media presence. but he just seemed like a cute little Jewish guy trolling other people.
comeon, he may have really meant mute.
Lori Laughlin is supposed to be in prison now. F. Huffman served 2 weeks. Lori should at least do that, to be fair.
but if she's there much longer than that . . . I'll be disappointed.
even if it were only 250 people
and I thought Donald Trump, our president, was going to say
"even if it were only 250 people it would still be . . .
but he didn't say that
bigger than a Biden Rally.
it would still be more people than the number at a Biden rally.