Anonymous ID: 39e2d7 April 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.1136680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6755



The problem is 'who is between you and Sessions?'


Let's see… Your local post office: many mail personnel. Just one turncoat and your item disappears. Don't you think that they have that angle covered? 'Anything addressed to Sessions, open it and let's see what's inside.'

If you think its illegal for them to do that it is but they have the equipment to do it and seal the envelope back up without anyone being the wiser.


If your item happens to make it through this hurdle then there are the many points on the journey where the mail is transferred from one driver to another, one post office to another.


If it gets through all these roadblocks then the gatekeepers can be installed at the White House mail room.


Next obstacle is the 'personal assistant' to Sessions or whatever flunky does the job of getting the mail that is addressed to Sessions to his boss.


There may be another gatekeeper in the way in the form of the actual assistant to Sessions.


Getting something to Sessions??? Fucking impossible in my opinion. It needs to be dropped here but then again the ability to drop pdf files has been disabled, which is dumb as shit in itself.


Or you do this via FedEx and require Sessions' personal signature and no-one elses. But I doubt they have such a service.


So good luck to getting anything to Sessions.


The only way I see of doing this is taking on the mantle of Courier and delivering it by hand with the special requirement of needing Sessions' signature on the delivery slip (which you cobble together on your computer).


Its a fucking joke trying to get anything delivered to your elected President and his people.

Anonymous ID: 39e2d7 April 21, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.1136755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6826



I've just had a thought….


Send the documents in a legal suit format and send it into any court (local - or if federal then one of those courts).


That document becomes public property the minute you get the court to stamp it as accepted. Get a court stamped copy and send it to the WH attention Jeff Sessions.


When you do these actions anyone can look up the documents using the court numbering docket. If it is done in Federal Court then one can use the PACER system after a few days. The one who files the suit will get the court docket number and that can then be posted here.

Anonymous ID: 39e2d7 April 21, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.1136826   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You can even file the documents in the style of an affidavit and go to your local county recorder's office and file them there. You will get a slip showing a filing number. If you get multiple copies file stamped you can send one of those to Sessions, one to the President and whoever else you think needs a copy. You can also post the filing number here and other Anons can then access those docs via the internet.

Anonymous ID: 39e2d7 April 21, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.1137143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7161



Really?? I tried downloading two items today on multiple computers and couldn't do it - the Seth rich info (124 issues of the Washington Mag) an the videos of Pelosi. 5 fucking times and each time it crapped out.


So that is why I posted what I did. So BOTH sites are fucked as far as I am concerned.