Anonymous ID: 5c27d9 April 21, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.1136569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6579 >>6607


Good idea in theory, but- the left and leftists do NOT respond to facts, evidence or logic. They will ignore it, or enter into autistic screeching mode and cherry-pick random crap and fling poo everywhere, then commit a FF to distract.

You know the drill.

Anonymous ID: 5c27d9 April 21, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1136621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6655


They don't care about looking foolish. They don't care about the truth either. How can you not know that by now, anon? We sane people are the only ones who care about that, which is why we're not leftists. Not trying to discourage you or be a downer, but injecting some reality here. Many have tried and failed to help the left see the error of their ways and thinking because they don't care about facts, evidence or truth. Legitimately, they can't because their brains are different (enlarged amygdala, shrunken frontal cortex) from ours (exact opposite).


The way to successfully affect them is by manipulation - using the exact same techniques that manipulate them already (on behalf of the cabal). It works as we can see because they believe all sorts of nonsense. Use the same tried-and-true techniques and you can get them to start believing in reality, but you have to be savvy about it. If you do it right, they won't even realize it and will become 'true believers' ready to passionately defend that idea, even to their detriment.

Anonymous ID: 5c27d9 April 21, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.1136677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684


Wasn't clear enough, sorry.

The left are weak minded (public), they are easily led by certain techniques, but will shut down hard when exposed to others.

Why use techniques on them that are proven failures?

Use what works.

A works on us

B works on them

Using A on them = catastrophic failure, further entrenched in silly position

So use B


Our job is to bring them to the point where they realize that POTUS' plans/acts/methods are actually good for THEM. To get them to that point we have to be savvy and clever about it.

B works on them.

Use B.


Does that make more sense?

Anonymous ID: 5c27d9 April 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1136700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good memes have a target. Really good memes can appeal to very large targets. Excellent memes can turn even the opposition either semi-agreement, utter shame (if it's possible) or utter terror.


Memes that preach to the choir (or already converted) are good, but see above.

Anonymous ID: 5c27d9 April 21, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.1136789   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>but they are still susceptible to the same tricks to go back the other way over time…

Absolutely true. But how effective is the media right now?

What happens when (((they))) no longer 'own & rule' the "education" system?

Who has the reach that WE do??

The mockingbirds are scared shitless of us (and FUCK YOU ALL) for a good reason.


So, what to do?

Be megaphones - make the memes & infographs, blast them out, relentlessly - mocking, chiding, undermining, wheedling, sowing and growing doubt, pointing out errors, showing how POTUS and MAGA actually empower the common person.



They are scared of us because we found what WORKS. It's up to us to USE what WORKS and be absolutely unrelenting, unwavering, and in wave after wave after wave.

Meme War 2018