Anonymous ID: 9ff91b April 21, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.1136547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6680 >>6719 >>6914

>You have more than you know.



But we don't. Unless…


>Learn to read the map.

>You have more than you realize.



Unless you mean that some among us have very important evidence that could lead the the arrest of Hillary Clinton, evidence implicating Holleywood, the government, pedogate, etc. Information that could bring down the Deep State.


In other word, there are White Hats among us.



>You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

>You simply forgot how to PLAY.



>Ready to play?



Okay Q. What if some of us are ready to play. How do we play? (By entering the game). But how do we enter the game?


Say that I am a White Hat. I have very important evidence implicating Hollywood, the government, pedo-gate, etc. Evidence and information that could bring down the Deep State.


>How do we ‘legally’ ……..



But who can I trust with this information? There's so much corruption in the government. Even the FBI can not be trusted to bring down the Deep State. So who can I trust? I can't give this information to WikiLeaks because Wikileaks may not be usable in the court of law. Who can I turn this evidence to, so that it can be use to legally take down the Deep State? Who can I trust? (I don't want to suicide) Who do I turn this evidence in to?







TL;DR: - If you have evidence, if you're a White Hat, you can trust Session. Give your evidence to Session so he can use it in the court of law to help take down the Deep State.