Anonymous ID: c17191 April 21, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.1137016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Person 1.

I want to set up a bachchannel means of communication to facilitate the dissemination of intel anonymously, also must be combined with plausible deniability.


Person 2.

Use the Chan’s.


Person 1.

That will work?


Person 2.



Person 1.

Won’t everyone figure it out?


Person 2.

Maybe, just make sure you use a board known to be rife with anti-Semitic, Aliens, FE, 911, High Jump, MK-Ulta, Truther postings. This will keep most undesirable journalists away. And add some boobs once in awhile for aesthetics and to keep analysts and soldiers mildly entertained and sane. The CT community are excellent cover and they’re woke. They will likely assist in data compilations and dot connecting.


Person 1.

What will we call the board once it takes of?


Person 2.

Well, good question, it’s true it might become somewhat of a shit-storm.


Person 1.

I like that, that’s what happened to our great country. A shit-storm. Once these truths come start it’s gonna be an even bigger storm till this country gets back on track.

I’ll think up some play of words around that idea.


Person 2.

How will I know what you named the board.


Person 1.

Easy, it will be on national TV.

Safe, but scary. You’ll know.


These boards were chosen for a reason.
