Anonymous ID: c1e3d5 April 21, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.1136567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6892

>>1135761 (prev bread)

After reading through 'The Parable of Judah' as described in the .pdf, (page 61 not 55 as in the pic related)

I'm convinced the author is totally ignorant.


[1] Tamar is not 'palm' but 'date'. the fruit of the palm.

[2] Palm is really 'dekel'. Original Testament word that your author so much enjoys misinterpreting.

Both words are there and any Christian translation from the Original Hebrew will show the truth of the matter.


[3] Call the Talmud 'bad judgement' but when he needs it, he quotes the truth in the Talmud to bolster his false claims.

" the Babylonian Talmud (the Bible of bad judgment)…"

"The ancient sages of the Talmud believed the third calf of a cow was the best she would ever produce."


When is the Talmud the "Bible of bad judgement" and when is it the wisdom of "the ancient sages"?

Who decides what to take and what to discard?

The author?

Based on what criteria?


Very interesting read, as far as Saul Alinski-ite writing is concerned.

to wit: Always blame your opponent for what it is that you yourself are doing.

Anonymous ID: c1e3d5 April 21, 2018, 4:31 p.m. No.1136878   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q posts were ALWAYS part of the bread not a CRUMB within it.

As in: https://

Someone changed the recipe for the dough.

Nice pic. How's it taste?