Anonymous ID: c24126 April 21, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.1136647   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Can't be a cult OP or Q would of retaliated.


News media cover story is 'Toy Drone' came too close.


Only options are:

Raid for control of documents

Which doesn't seem necessary as SA is under control.




BW caused a scene knowing it would be picked up on social media etc and publicised WW along with POTUS tweet.

Letting 'them' & othersc know "We have everything".

From Clinton Servers to SA records and more.

By using BW for the OP it lets 'them' know that BW/ex-BW are not on their side anymore. Was just business previously.


(Not all bad actors are fully aware, especially low level of whats going on at all times e.g this board.)