IIRC, nudity wasn't considered pron until Satan got his fangs into that apple…
chiro got me going when orthos simply could not.
chiro like any other thing - there are good and bad.
try a chiro if you get good recs on one - it will not hurt you…
so anon - you enjoying the show?
it was obvious to many that they did not put their best out there….wonder why? hmmm….
now that is the question, isn't it?
are there any who could take the prolonged scrutiny and slander that GEOTUS has taken?
what a cute shill…
a concernfag and patiencefag rollup…
nothing new under the sun…
thoughts can lead to actions….
same way you may want to strangle an asshole, but override the impulse - you can wanna smash and yet leave it in your mind.
desire does not equal action unless you obsess on it until it turns into action.
lust, like most everything, is best done in moderation…